Using and transmitting objects
- objects should be transmitted by the nearest digi in the area (which has remote access)
- object transmit frequency 20-30 min
- PATH should depend on relevancy of the object. (repeater with large area coverage easily WIDE2-2, local repeater WIDE1-1)
- Repeater should have symbol "/ r"
- Name of the object is it’s frequency in following format: XXX.XXXYY
- XXX.XXX is frequency (i.e. 438.900)
- YY is shortcut of the area where the repeater is located, example: ST (Středočeský kraj – Middle Bohemia)
- Text of the object has following format: AAA.AAAMHz TBBB -CCC DDDDDD
- AAA.AAAMHz is a frequency
- TBBB is CTCSS subtone (example: for 88.5Hz T088, for 203.5Hz T203, for repeater without CTCSS Toff) where small t switch Narrow (12.5KHz deviation), T is then 25kHz deviation. If we use C (c) instead of T (t), it will switch CTCSS for TX and RX, D (d) for DCS
- CCC is shift (for -600 kHz -060, for -7,6 MHz -760)
- DDDDDD is repeater’s callsign
Behind these neccesary fields can be optional text up to 60 characters (but watch out, some TRXs don’t show all)
OK0BCA>AP4R10,OK1KKL-2,WIDE2*,qAR,OK1DWW-1:;438.900HK*111111z5044.30N/01536.00Er438.900MHz T088 -760 OK0BCA otherinfotext
HAMradio meetings
- PATH should depend on relevancy of the object.
- TX interval – 10-20min
- Symbol: "\ h"
OK1MX-1>AP4R10,TCPIP*,qAC,T2POLAND:;MW + EME *111111z4936.37N\01602.12EhEME and MW Meeting